Expanding Comfort Zones: An Improvisation Cirriculum for Applied Studios
A presentation from the
Jazz Education Research and Practice Journal,
a publication of the Jazz Education Network.
Join Dr. Jeff Snedeker, Professor of Horn at Central Washington University, for this LIVE webinar that provides an example of how improvisation can be integrated into applied study in a broad sense. It will address obstacles experienced by students who do not have the traditional opportunities to improvise (e.g., a middle school or high school French horn player), and then provide a sequential, progressive curricular approach that encourages all students and their teachers to walk together on a path to wider personal expression and freedom to just play. The improvisation skills addressed are not confined to jazz styles; this webinar will first address improvisation in a general sense and then show how jazz styles can be included. This webinar is directed at all teachers, but especially applied teachers who are concerned about how improvisation can be included in applied study.
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Jeffrey Snedeker has taught horn and music history at Central Washington University since 1991. His jazz credits include two critically-acclaimed solo CDs; side work with Tom Gause and the CWU Faculty Jazz Ensemble; featured soloist with the CWU Jazz Band I and the USAF Falconnaires; performances and presentations as a featured jazz soloist and clinician at many universities and conferences of the International Horn Society, Northwest Horn Society, the Call of the Wild Festival (Alberta), Jazz in the Valley (Washington), and other places that are open to jazz horn. He has also done combo work with his own jazz quartet in the Northwest, and with Arkady Shilkloper and Tom Varner, among others. Jeff is also the curator/general editor of the John Jacob Graas Collection for the International Horn Society, presenting critical editions of works by one of the first true jazz hornists, performer/composer John Graas (1917-1962).
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