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The Renewal Fund Campaign
All original images by René Huemer

What will be RENEWED this year through your participation in JEN?


Spring signals turned corners. It is a time to bust brackets, launch festivals, and bestow awards; a period for end-of-school performance stress, announcing new educational beginnings, or ending programs of study. For the Jazz Education Network, spring marks our moment for RENEWAL – acknowledging the successes of our past while gathering forward momentum to continue the education and impact of the Black American and global jazz music traditions. It is our drive to make new this artform over and over again.

The setting for what is to come holds new challenges and opportunities for making music moving forward. A COVID-endemic world has taught us how to pivot and digitize. The continued movements for social justice and culturally inclusive equity deepen our understanding and connection to the music. An exposed fragility in our performance ecosystem calls for novel ways to connect audiences, where resilience goes beyond just restoration. JEN turns the corner of this spring into a new landscape for our work and mission.

As a nonprofit arts organization, this mission is fully realized through the contributions of you: our members, student chapters, sponsors, and donors. Your volunteered time brings the annual conference to life. Your advocacy impacts year-round programming and cultural discussions. Your research broadens perceptions and understanding in our field. Your financial donations – in any amount! – collectively ensures that JEN is properly staffed and resourced, benefitting generation after generation to the legacy of jazz education while being enabled to actively shape its future.

This spring, how will your RENEWED pledge of support be multiplied? We seek not only a goal of $30,000 to further the recovery of pandemic impacts but also 10,000 pledged volunteer hours to fully realize the JEN programming in our individual communities year-round.

What changes will you navigate? What corners will you turn?

What will be RENEWED this year through your participation in JEN?



$100 – A gift of $100 can support a full JEN membership for an aspiring artist educator to join the network of those more established in the field.

$250 – Scholarships Awards: A gift of $250 can help support a student scholarship award recipient to  attend the next JEN Conference.

$500 – JAZZ2U Grants/Community Engagement: Assist in funding a speaker, clinician, or performer, at any event that will  bring jazz to new or existing audiences via schools, community centers, performances or informances by  quality performers and advanced educators. This  program impacts thousands of students across the  country.

$1000 – Digital programming: Jazz Education Network Webinars has allowed our artist educator network to stay  active, keeping all of us connected with access to quality online programs that are relevant during these  challenging times. A gift of $1000 will help cover operational costs to continue bringing digital programs to the  jazz community.

$1500 – Program Support: A gift of $1500 can fund a student award recipient a full-ride scholarship to attend and participate in the annual JEN conference.

$2500 – Program Support: A gift of $2500 can help us keep our dedicated team who has worked over the  past year to keep Jazz Education Network programs and daily operations afloat.

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$30,000 in Donations

JUNE 30, 2022

$13,592 of $30,000 raised

10,000 Pledged Volunteer Hours

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Please click below to give to the
by JUNE 30

or mail your gift to the following address:

Jazz Education Network
1440 W Taylor St #1135
Chicago, IL  60607


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Please click below to donate your time.
[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Click To Donate TIME” style=”custom” custom_background=”#941205″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” size=”lg” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-leaf” shadow_str=”3″ add_icon=”true” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmembers.jazzednet.org%2Fdonate-time%2F|title:DONATE%20TIME|target:_blank” css=”.vc_custom_1651003104813{background-color: #ffffff !important;}”][vc_column_text]

The Jazz Education Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit.
EIN 26-2880358

To make a gift via a donor-advised fund or stock, please contact
Sharon Burch, Managing Director at
or call 1-312-781-6299.

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Thank you to the following people for contributing to the Resilience Fund Campaign.


Network For Good (Faceboook Donations)

Amount Donated

Mary Jo Papich

Amount Donated
In honor of Sharon B.

Lonnie Davis

Amount Donated

Jamey Aebersold

Amount Donated

Jeff Brennan

Amount Donated

Daniel Flores

Amount Donated
In memory of Steve R.

Sylvia Johnson

Amount Donated

Lynn Reeder

Amount Donated

Dustin Rohrer

Amount Donated

Ayn Inserto

Amount Donated

Sparky Koerner

Amount Donated

Dee Daniels

Amount Donated

Rhapsody Snyder

Amount Donated


Amount Donated
In honor of Mary Jo P.

Todd Stoll

Amount Donated

Sonya Robinson

Amount Donated
In memory of Patrick M.

Mark Chapman

Amount Donated

Lois Corrin

Amount Donated
In memory of Weldon J.

Catherine Brubeck

Amount Donated

Scott Nurmi

Amount Donated

David Kauffman

Amount Donated

Victor López

Amount Donated

Win Hinkle

Amount Donated

Jose Antonio Diaz

Amount Donated

Rosana Eckert

Amount Donated

Peter Barenbregge

Amount Donated

Bruce Gertz

Amount Donated

Julian Gerstin

Amount Donated

James Holden, Jr

Amount Donated

Ashley Shabankareh

Amount Donated

Boots Maleson

Amount Donated


Amount Donated

Joseph Jennings

Amount Donated

Christopher Walker

Amount Donated

Sharon Burch

Amount Donated

Roxy Coss

Amount Donated

Michael Shirtz

Amount Donated

Gretchen Brandt

Amount Donated
In honor of Aaron E.


Amount Donated

Karen and Stephane Saux

Amount Donated

Ralph Meyer

Amount Donated

Jim Anderson

Amount Donated

David Fabilli

Amount Donated

John Stafford

Amount Donated

Leon Prause

Amount Donated

Thomas Keithly

Amount Donated

Neil Wetzel

Amount Donated

Paul Kelly

Amount Donated
In memory of Ron F.

molly Berkemeier

Amount Donated
In honor of Terry B.

Kathleen Hollingsworth

Amount Donated

Jim Ketch

Amount Donated

Ian Rashkin

Amount Donated

Kerry Kennard

Amount Donated

Julie Myers & Robert Terrell

Amount Donated

Natalie Wilson

Amount Donated

Dave Ness

Amount Donated


Amount Donated


Amount Donated


Amount Donated


Amount Donated

DW Williams

Amount Donated


Not listed?

We invite you to join the folks listed above by donating today!

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The Jazz Education Network is dedicated to building the jazz arts community by

advancing education, promoting performance, and developing new audiences.

JEN is committed to representing and cultivating diversity, equity, and inclusion in all areas of its operation including staff, board members, volunteers, presenters, clinicians, performers and audiences. 

This commitment is present in all programs and decision making.
